to stop bubbling over... My EYE!
No, no, my eye didn't bubble over.
What I mean is, the pie bird didn't keep the pie from bubbling over.
You plant the little bird's behind on the bottom crust, pour your filling in, put the top crust on, and bake. My ineptitude at baking may have been too much for his ceramic derrier to tackle. Or maybe I cemented his booty too firmly to the crust. Sorry bird.
Even so, the pie tasted delish.
I also made Mama Stamberg's Cranberry Relish. It looks like chunky Pepto Bismol, which is not a bad idea for a Thanksgiving side-dish. (Oh, now there is an idea -- Pepto-Bismol ice cream with Chocolate Ex-Lax chips... omnomnom!) You freeze this relish. My in-laws eat it, sans turkey, in an icecream dish for dessert. So, the Pepto Bismol ice cream is not a far-out idea.
A shocking amount of the time, I can churn out quite a good dish. I swear to you that although it doesn't taste like it, I pull these good dishes out of my backside and think, "holy crap I didn't think that would work." Substitutions? Lack of ingredients? Lack of skill with a blow-torch or alder planks? No problem.
Today was not one of those days.
The pie bubbled over, the crust tore, I put too much water in the crust so it had a play-doh consistency, and the cranberry relish didn't freeze through. I couldn't decide whether to categorize this as an edible pursuit or an inedible one.
Can I get a butt check?
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